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AKC Changes to Eligibility to Judge Coursing Ability Tests (CAT)

June 25, 2015

To: Clubs Licensed to Hold Coursing Ability Tests

Subject: Eligibility to Judge Coursing Ability Tests (CAT)

This is to inform your club of two changes to the CAT Regulations which are effective July 1, 2015.

With the rapid growth of the sport, many clubs are having difficulty finding CAT judges. The following two changes are meant to alleviate this problem while still ensuring safety in course design.

  • Going forward, CAT judges must have a minimum of three years of experience in the sport of Lure Coursing, be 21 years of age or older and be in good standing with the AKC.

  • It is the Event Committee’s responsibility to ensure that they have individuals with sufficient knowledge in course design at the event to assist in laying out a safe course.

The specific changes to Chapter 15 are as follows:

Section 7. Eligibility to Judge.

All AKC approved Lure Coursing event judges are approved to judge a Coursing Ability Test. People who are not Lure Coursing judges may be approved to judge a Coursing Ability Test provided they meet the following minimum requirements: (1) Have a minimum of three years of experience in the sport of Lure Coursing, (2) be in good standing with the AKC, and (3) be at least 21 years of age. It is the responsibility of the hosting club to assure these requirements are met.

Section 8. Course Design.

The course shall be designed with safety for non-sighthound breeds as a primary consideration. There shall be no turns more acute than 90 degrees. The total length of the course shall be no less than 600 yards and should be as close to 600 yards as possible. The lure will consist of plastic strip. Depending on the size and type of dog, the dog will run either the full course or a 300 yard course. The 300 yard distance shall be clearly marked. Safety is of utmost importance. Many of the dogs running the

Coursing Ability Test will not possess the agility of a sighthound and this must be a consideration in the design of the course.

The Event Committee is responsible for the safety of the course by ensuring they have individuals with sufficient experience and knowledge in course design at the event. This experience can be gained by serving as a lure operator, lure coursing trial chair or huntmaster, having run a dog to its lure coursing championship, or being an AKC lure coursing judge. The judge is responsible for walking the course prior to the start of the event in order to look for hazards.

These changes will appear in the Regulations upon the next reprint.

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